
Below, you find and overview on the sessions. The detailed programme is found here.

  Room 1 Room 2 Room 3
Monday, Sept 9      
afternoon Opening session    
Evening Reception    
Tuesday, Sept 10      
morning External World Various topics Various topics
afternoon External World Various topics Various topics
evening Reception    
Wednesday, Sept 11      
Morning History Various topics Various topics
Afternoon Posterslam/Postersession No lectures No lectures
evening at your free disposal    
Thursday, Sept 12      
Morning Religion Various topics Various topics
Afternoon Religion Various topics Various topics
evening Conference dinner    
Friday, Sept. 13      
morning Heritage Panel    
noon Closing Session    


Please send printable posters to the conference address:

Posters will be on display throughout the duration of the conference. However, on Wednesday there will be a Poster-Slam (without parallel lectures), which is a short presentation of each poster in 2 minutes by the respective author. This is followed by the poster session, so that everyone has the opportunity to talk at the posters directly.